“Simple Causes Contributing To Hypertension” by the Best Cardiologist in Indore, Dr. Rajeev Khare

Millions of people around the world experience hypertension. It is also commonly referred to as high blood pressure in India. It is the main condition that is responsible for heart attacks and heart strokes. As a top cardiologist in Indore , Dr. Rajeev Khare has been providing consultation and expert opinions on various cases in more than one hospital in Indore. He has mentioned numerous useful tips and tricks on how to fight heart attacks and post-operative patient care and caution in his previous blogs. A number of blogs written by the best cardiologist doctor in Indore Dr. Rajeev Khare, personally, has motivated people living, in and around Indore to change their lifestyle to a healthy one. In this blog he talks about several simple causes that contribute to hypertension. Because, curbing hypertension will reduce the risk of heart attack, we need to focus on how to keep things at bay while also enjoying a healthy life. There are several well-known causes which are known by a w...