Learn about Anxiety and Heart Condition from the best cardiologist in Indore, Dr. Rajeev Khare
A feeling of fear, tension and uneasiness spreading throughout your body or a vast emptiness in your stomach is known as anxiety. It might be a reaction of stress or a result of overworking or sleeplessness. This might cause you to feel dreaded, restless and sweat and have an increased heartbeat. For most people it helps them in coping and dealing with the situation at that moment. But if it prevails for a longer time : we are talking about days and months, may be more than 6-7 months in an year, it is known to affect your heart seriously. GAD, Panic disorders or phobia are all conditions of anxiety affecting your healthy heart. You have to be extra careful if you already have a family history of cardiac diseases. Dr Rajeev Khare top cardiologist in Indore, talks about anxiety and heart condition. How anxiety is related to your heart’s condition and how you should take care of your heart to keep it healthy and happy.
When people are anxious, every individual’s body reacts in a different way. But it definitely puts extra strain on their heart. This strain can be dangerous for those who are already having heart problems. Anxiety can result in other cardiac issues such as:
1. Blood Pressure Increase
2. Tachycardia or increased/rapid heart rate
3. Sudden decreased heart rate
Amongst these the last one, decreased hear variability is the most dangerous. It may cause instant death because of sudden variation in heart rate and acute heart attack. According to Dr. Rajeev Khare best cardiologist doctor in Indore, an anxiety disorder comes with a high degree of uncertainty or fear. Anxiety can interfere with many things in your daily life. It will make you avoid taking your prescribed medicines from your cardiologist, make you skip your exercise schedule, may make you eat unhealthy food or hamper the amount of food you take. Anxiety causes sleep disorder and amnesia. You lose confidence once you know you are in stress and anxiety. You lose your family and friends. All these puts extra strain on your heart and it will lead to anxiety related cardiac diseases. You already know the end result. Top cardiologist in Indore Dr. Rajeev Khare, suggests maintaining a healthy routine for a healthy heart. A regular and routine checkup and blood tests are the way which leads to a long and strong heart health. Even though you do not have a symptom of heart disease it is necessary to follow the routine which helps in preventing a sudden cardiac arrest. Visit Dr. Rajeev Khare, cardiologist in Indore for a consultation and receive the best treatment for a healthy and happy heart.
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